Saturday, February 7, 2009

60. Rain, rain, you're okay.

As I've mentioned in the past, the weather in LA doesn't change all that often. So it's quite a welcome change of pace when the skies open up and the rains come down.

True, LA doesn't entirely know how to handle the change-up pitch--freeway traffic slows to tortoise-like speeds, surface streets turn into small rivers--but it's still a nice break from the norm of perpetual sunshine.

This week's deluge once again proved the age-old axiom: "It never rains in Southern California / but girl, don't they warn ya? / It pours. Man, it pours."

(Yes, the astute reader will notice that I've posted a link to this video in the past--see the post I linked to in the first paragraph--but it's quite apropos of this post. Wouldn't you agree? Incidentally, I first heard this song during my freshman year at USC--in a fantastic lecture that explored various songs about LA--and every time I hear it, it brings me back, for a moment, to that wide-eyed 19-year old iteration of myself, a newly-transplated Angeleno who had yet to entirely understand what Hammond means when he sings with such melancholy, "It pours. Man, it pours.")

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