Monday, January 5, 2009

33. Diff'rent strokes (sorry, not the actual TV show).

I went to a church today that was interesting--and quite a bit different from the ones I've called home.

I like the experience of going to other churches. Even if I don't entirely agree with their theology or focus, it's good to see the way other Christians do things.

And I guess this is a good value for life in general: to explore places, people, food, activities, and ideas that are quite unlike those you're used to. Because you will always end up learning something.


Sarah W K said...

i haven't had a church home in a while. going to school, moving, etc. it's hard to say what kind of aesthetics (service/music) i prefer anymore.

dave said...

It took me a good year and a half of living in LA to find one that I feel comfortable calling "home" (of course, the majority of that time was spent simply not looking). And though I'm not 100% sold on this one, I think it's a pretty good fit for where I'm at in life right now.

That said, I hope you can find a good one in Chicago! (And speaking of Chi-town, I'm hoping to visit your glorious city sometime in 2009!)