Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Greetings and Salumatations.

Confession: I'm a serial blog-starter.

In the past month alone, I've reserved four--maybe even five--blog names here on blogger or on typepad. And though I have quite the grandiose plans delusions of grandeur regarding those blogs ("I'll quit my day job! I'll score a book deal! I'll date Anne Hathaway!"), I have yet to type even a single word in any of them.

The start, for me, is easy; it's the all-important follow-through that is exceedingly difficult.

On top of all that, I have a lovelorn LiveJournal, one that, sadly--despite its seven years of faithful service--I've pretty much abandoned without any explanation or apology.

It's true; no one can accuse me of being a blog-monogamist. (I'm sorry; I couldn't resist. Please forgive me.)

But enough of the past. On to the raison d'ĂȘtre for this here blog: this is one I thought up yesterday, one that should be an easy write for me (and thus, won't be so easily abandoned...hopefully). I'm going to chronicle the next year of my life by writing about one thing each day--at minimum--for which I'm grateful.

See, I got on this huge giving-thanks kick last week, what with the Thanksgiving festivities and all.  I posted a lengthy "treatise" on Facebook about how I would begin commemorating something I called Thanksgiving Eve (with the hope, naturally, that it would catch on and that I could add "Creator of Holidays" to my already-cornicopious resume). And commemorate I did: I told a few people how, in specific ways, I had been blessed by their presence in my life. It was a wonderful way to remind myself of the Almighty's good gifts to me (namely in the human resources department).

But even as Thanksgiving '08 fades into the ethers of the year now past, and as Christmas comes up around the perennial bend, I find that I want to stay in that place. A place of grounded thankfulness. A place in which--even in my occasional and fruitless forays into that glib notion that my circumstances are far too bleak, far too disappointing, to muster up even a word of gratitude--I can still find reasons to be joyful.

And so, here I begin. A year of thanksgiving.

(Unless, of course, I abandon this blog as well.  Which, given my track record, is a real possibility.)


s. wells said...

i do hope you've found a resting place. i like reading your writing. RIP livejournal.

dave said...

Thanks, S. Kaufm...wait, sorry, Wells. Jumping the gun here. :)

I think the LJ saw it coming, honestly.