My neighborhood put on a big tree-lighting ceremony and holiday street fair this evening. I met up with some friends, and together we took in the sights, sounds, and smells of it all.
Nearly every establishment along the boulevard had lovely light displays and decorations up. Several businesses served refreshments: hot cider, tomato soup, warm bread. The crisp air was filled with the sounds of carolers, bagpipers, a high school band, and the pleasant murmurings of a jolly-fied citizenry.
And, you know, it all reminded of a line I heard, once, in a song:
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."
What's more, as we walked up and down the street, I stopped frequently to greet people I know. It was wonderful, if not just a tad shocking; one doesn't expect to experience the familiarity of a small-town here in LA. But tonight, I discovered that I was much more well-acquainted with people in my neighborhood than I realized.
(Working at the neighborhood Starbucks for a year or so will do that for you, I suppose.)
The Christmas-themed merriment didn't end there, though.
(That picture really doesn't do the scene justice. The loveliness was stupefying.)
For a guy who misses New York City dearly when he can't be there to see it during this special time of year (this will be only the second time in seven years), I have to say: well played, LA. Sure, you still have a long ways to go before you reach the out and out majesty of Fifth Avenue during the holidays, but a strong showing tonight, indeed.
What a unexpectedly wonderful evening this turned out to be! (Especially considering what a bummer the afternoon had been.)
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