Friday, December 19, 2008

17. Of Montreal on Letterman tonight

Not to take anything away from today's item of thanksgiving, but you should know this wasn't originally my plan for Thursday's post.

See, I had a topic picked out and ready to go (which I'll probably save for tomorrow--tomorrow now being later today). But I've been sick in bed all. day. long. And as such, I've had neither the energy nor the desire to do much writing today.

What I did have energy for, though, was staying up to watch one of my favorite bands--Of Montreal--perform on Letterman tonight.

I saw the band play at the Palladium in Hollywood about a month ago, and let me just say: the show was easily the most bizarre, most surreal stage spectacle I've seen in my entire life. And also one of the most enjoyable concert-going experiences I've ever had.

I could go into further detail, and may do so at some point in the future. For now, though, know that the operative word for oM's stage show is bacchanalia.

A portion of which the nation at large, thankfully, got to see tonight under the lights of the Ed Sullivan Theater. Enjoy!

(For any interested parties, Of Montreal will be playing LA--ok, ok, Pomona--again on February 19th. I'm definitely planning to go see 'em again; anyone care to join me?)

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